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We all know that SEO is used to make you rank higher in Google’s search engine. But what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and it helps you to get the most out of your content.

Google knows who to rank first by sending out little spiders (or crawlers) across the internet. These spiders are trained to look for a variety of things. However, these things change often so you have to keep up to date with the latest news and refresh your content regularly!

In this blog we look at the nuts and bolts to tell you what’s really going on with your page ranking.

What are Google’s crawlers looking for?

There are tactics you can use in your online content, both in the back of your website and on the page seen by the pubic that will stand out to the crawlers. The more boxes you tick, the higher you’ll rank. The focus for each page is your keyword, this is what your customers are putting into the Google search bar to find you. This is where you should start as it will inform the rest of what you do.

Synthesis Hutt Valley SEO services

How Synthesis Marketing uses SEO to improve website performance

At Synthesis Marketing, we begin with some keyword research. This is to find the best keyphrase to suit your industry and your target market. Using this keyphrase we:

  • Add it as the Title and Alt Tag of your featured image
  • Use it in the Heading and Subheadings
  • Update the Meta Description (indirectly boosting traffic)
  • Use it in the URL
  • Write it throughout the page in a balanced way. If this is done too many times it counts as ‘keyword stuffing’, which Google hates!

Because keeping your content up to date boosts your website ranking, we find blog posts to be a great answer. Blogging also provides a great resource for new clients getting to know you and a fun way for existing customers to keep engaged and learn more about how to use your products and services.

SEO is all about making your content useful to the reader and easy to find for those who need your service/product. It takes a lot of research and a lot of time, so if you’d like expert help, we offer marketing communications packages to boost and maintain your SEO. Get in touch with us today, and let us help you get higher rankings on Google.

Need help with your website performance?

We would be happy to take a look at your website for you and discuss your options. Get in touch with us today for a no obligation chat.